St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Junior School logo

01442 253 347

Clover Way, Gadebridge Road

Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3EA


High Standards

Year 6 pupils attained considerably higher in reading and writing, compared nationally.


St Cuthbert Mayne


Year 6 pupils attained considerably higher in reading and writing, compared nationally.

I enjoy maths

I like the way we are taught in mathematics


Year 4

St Cuthbert Mayne


Year 4

I like the way we are taught in mathematics

School Leadership

The leadership team has created an enriching learning environment


St Cuthbert Mayne


The leadership team has created an enriching learning environment


Pupils love learning and have the confidence to try new things


St Cuthbert Mayne


Pupils love learning and have the confidence to try new things

Quality teaching

The quality of teaching is good.

Westminster Diocese

St Cuthbert Mayne

Westminster Diocese

The quality of teaching is good.
St Cuthbert Mayne

Our Governors

St. Cuthbert Mayne Governing Body 2023-24 currently comprises of 12 Governors and is made up of representatives from the Diocese of Westminster, parents, staff and the local community.

Dear Lord – Fill us with your spirit and courage so that we might bring our talents and gifts to this important work.

Committees are as follows:
FPP = Finance, Pay and Premises Committee
CLC = Catholic Life and Curriculum Committee
A = Admissions Committee

Other committees are convened when circumstances dictate.

Governor name
Term of Office
Ms Maria Butchart (Chair of Governors) Foundation 2022-26 FPP, A
Mrs Mary Heffernan (Vice Chair) Foundation 2021-24 FPP, CLC, A
Mrs Sheila Onwudiwe Foundation 2024-28 CLC, A
Mr Michael Devlin Foundation 2020-24 FPP (Chair)
Mrs Debbie Bailey Foundation 2023-27 CLC
Mrs Clare Bowers Foundation 2022-26 CLC (Chair)
Mrs Ebbah Kwambai Foundation 2024-27
Mr Niall Moten Local Authority 2022-26 FPP
Mrs Siobhan Scambler Parent 2022-26 CLC
Mr Paul Ambridge Parent 2020-24 FPP
Mr Gareth Jones Co-Opted 2022-26 CLC
Mr Alex Sallis Headteacher 2022 to date FPP, CLC, A
Mrs Elizabeth Welch Teacher 2022-26 CLC
  • Foundation Governors are appointed by the Trustees – the Diocese of Westminster
  • Chairs of Committees – are appointed annually
  • Governors are welcome to attend any committee meeting
  • Associate governors do not have voting rights.
Register of Interests

Members of the Governing Body are required to register annually any business or pecuniary interests, direct or indirect, of themselves or any family member, which may have a bearing on decisions made by the full Governing Body. Governors are required to inform the school of any changes in circumstances with regard to any pecuniary or business interest.

  • As of September 2023 no governor has any business or pecuniary interest.
Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments
  • No member of the St Cuthbert Mayne School Governing Body has another governor role in a different Educational Establishment.
Governor Attendance at Meetings

Governing Body Attendance at Meetings 2022-2023

Governing Body Attendance at Meetings 2021-2022

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