St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Junior School

St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Junior School

Growing together in love
and learning as followers of Jesus

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Our Curriculum

‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’ – William Butler Yeats

Curriculum Drivers

Our Curriculum Drivers are derived from our mission statement and are PRAY: Protecting our Planet, Resilience, Aspirations, Yes to Equality.

  • Protecting our Planet – learn and contribute to protecting God’s creation – in our community and wider work. Caring the world we live in;
  • Resilience – be able to face challenges and use them to help us progress. Overcome difficulties that challenge us;
  • Aspiration – we are created by God to do amazing things – each one of us. Ambitious / belief in ourselves and in what we can achieve;
  • Yes to equality – we are all equal and important in God’s eyes. Everyone is equal and deserves to be valued and respected.

Curriculum for all

Our curriculum is accessible to all children irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive to ensure we meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all our children  

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map (2024-25)

Curriculum Intent

A summary of each subject’s philosophy along with our individual Subject Vision documents can be viewed using the menu to the left.

All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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