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01442 253 347

Clover Way, Gadebridge Road

Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3EA


House Cup Winners from Spring Term – St Rose with 2127 House points collected from Homework, Classwork and acts of kindness.
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4J led the whole school Liturgy to celebrate “Mary the first Missionary” as identified by Pope Francis in Laudato si’. Children were invited to bring a flower to decorate Mary as a symbol of love.
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This performance was the culmination of many Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes spent working hard learning complex but exciting music. Hearing it as part of over a thousand primary school voices accompanied by the Hertfordshire Youth Symphony Orchestra and led by Rufus Frowde was a truly exciting and exhilarating experience! Obviously, we couldn’t take photos of the performance, but here are […]
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Over the last few weeks children throughout the school enjoyed investigating mini-beasts and recording their findings. Such amazing discoveries have been made around the school grounds! Additionally, pupils have cooked flat bread over the fire as people would have done thousands of years ago. A great time has been had by all!   Years 5 and 6 have made their […]
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Thank you to everyone for taking part in our Comic Relief fundraiser on Friday. We raised £288.16. THANK YOU! From the School Council  
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As part of Science Week, the whole school carried out an investigation to find out which biscuit would be best for dunking. We had lots of fun and worked well as team.  
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Thank you for your support in our World Book Day. The children looked fabulous, enjoyed sharing books, choosing books, competing in quizzes about books, taking part in the BBC Live Lesson and many more activities through the day… even in Forest School murals were painted to reflect favourite books. Our book sale raised  Thank you to Mrs John and Mrs […]
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Aoife, Chi Chi and Lola receive their awards
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It has been an exciting two weeks – especially for our Year 6s with their performance of Jacob and Sons (our shortened version of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat), and then headed off to PGL for four days, arriving back on Wednesday exhausted after an action-packed trip. The video of the performance has been uploaded onto the Year 6 […]
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Our two Sports Days were held this week – one in the searing heat and one accompanied by rain! All the children gave their very best and all cheered their Houses and classmates all the way. It was a delight to see St Rose win for the first time – and in emphatic style. The final House scores were: St […]
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